Viktigt meddelande - Kellan Lutz Sweden läggs ned...

Kellan befann sig på en speciell visning av Steven Spielberg’s nya film 'Lincoln' i New York [14 november] - bilder
Ny 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' still

Kellan pratar om 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' med Kelly Ripa & Michael Strahan

Lutz talked to Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahanabout the effect “Twilight” has had on his life. He recently returned from an overseas trip to Ireland, Scotland and London with fellow cast mate, Nikki Reed. He described his overseas fans as “fanatics, but loving.” Kellan also talked about his high speed ride to superstardom and stated, “It’s been mind blowing!”
Cambio intervjuar 'The Twilight Saga' cast & andra kändisar på röda mattan på galapremiären i Los Angeles
Ny intervju av MetroNews, om b la. muskelkraft & armbrytning

Kellan Lutz spent four years wearing pasty white make-up and doing push ups to play superstrong vampire Emmett Cullen in The Twilight Saga. Now that the final chapter, Breaking Dawn — Part 2, arrives in theatres, he talks to Metro about his post-vampire career, wrestling with Kristen Stewart [Bella] and learning to cut up a steak.
Everyone went on and on about Taylor Lautner’s body in Twilight. But you were buff all along. How did you manage that?
Kellan: I have good muscle memory. I’m barrel-chested, so I can do 50 push ups and get some man boobs pretty easily. But Taylor had to take his shirt off. It would have been different if I’d had to take mine off and I was pale white with make up. It wouldn’t look so flattering.
The arm wrestle scene between Bella and Emmett in Breaking Dawn 2 — did you guys do it for real? Kristen vs. Kellan?
Kellan: I sent Emmett to some acting classes to prepare him for that scene so that he didn’t lose and get his ego hurt too much. I’d been looking forward to shooting that scene for years and Kristen was just so excited to play a vampire finally. She’s a strong woman. She put up a good fight. Of course, I let her win.
Could Kristen beat you in real life?
Kellan: Never … Plus she cheated. But I really think she could beat Rob [Pattinson] in an arm wrestle.
Framsida utav Essential Homme Magazine - photoshoot
Ny intervju med Kellan av Examiner om b la. 'BD - Part 2' bonus material, barn & gummy björnar
The cast of Twilight has been busy touring around the globe promoting the epic finale of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn Part 2. Kellan Lutz, who portrays the tough and lovable Emmett Cullen in the franchise, stopped by Dallas yesterday, Thursday, Nov. 8, and I had the chance to sit down with the star and discuss the anticipated film, Lutz’s upcoming projects, crazy fan experiences, and more.
Q: How was it like shooting the arm-wrestling scene?
Lutz: For me and my character, I was very much looking forward to filming that scene with Bella – for Emmett to have that, to have his special scene! When I first read the book Breaking Dawn, I thought, ‘please let this part make it!’ And I got big, I didn’t realize how big I looked…I mean, my arm was the size of my head! [laughs] It’s funny because I wasn’t even trying to win, she’d [Kristen Stewart] be like ‘are you trying?
Q: Tell us about the dance sequence everyone is talking about.
Lutz: We choreographed Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics. I love dancing; Justin Timberlake was my guy, who I looked up to. Michael Sheen [aka Aro], Dakota Fanning [aka Jane]…the whole Volturi had no idea we were planning this. So when we all started dancing, Michael just started [shows robotic dance moves] breaking into a dance too.
Q: Will the scene make it in the credits?
Lutz: I don’t know, I don’t’ think it will. I think they’ll use it on the DVD, for behind the scenes.
Läs hela intervjun, [källa:]
"Vad händer när man spelat en vampyr efter fem år...?"

Kellan's officiella intervju inför 'TTS: Breaking Dawn - Part 2'

Just nu ser det ut som om Kellan ska gästa...
Nu inför premiären utav Breaking Dawn - Part 2 ska Kellan gästa många Talk Shows, ni har säkert märkt att det dykt upp en massa intervjuer här på sidan! Nedan ser du en lista över några talk shows som vi vet med säkerthet att Kellan ska gästa.

November 14 – Jimmy Fallon
November 14 – Kelly & Michael
November 15 – Conan O’Brien
Kellan besökte E! News Studios 6 november - bilder
Artikel & video av ETonline med 'BD - Part 2' cast - AVSLÖJANDEN!
The astonishing conclusion to The Twilight Saga is just days away, and we’re having fun with the Cullen clan — Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Jackson Rathbone, Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz — as they look back at the series that changed their lives, and then go for an ET speed round with our own Nancy O’Dell!
Who takes the longest to get ready? Who’s the best dancer in the group? Who’s the biggest prankster? Who’s the biggest diva? Who flubs their lines the most? Watch the fun-filled video to find out…
MySpace intervjuar 'BD - Part 2' cast: "Who's more likely to...?"
Kellan & Jackson Rathbone: "Vi hade ingen aning om vi spelade in 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' eller 'Part 2'...
Kellan Lutz and Jackson Rathbone have come a long way.
During the last four years, the two actors have been busy shooting the Twilight Saga‘s five installments — so much so that they admitted to Celebuzz that it was hard to keep track when they were working on the final film, Breaking Dawn – Part 2.
“A lot of times I didn’t even know we were shooting Part 1 or Part 2,” Lutz, 27, told us during the film’s press junket. “But in the book there’s definitely a breaking point to severing the two and that is — as [director] Bill [Condon] created — when Bella becomes a vampire and Renesmee is born.”
Breaking Dawn – Part 2 also sees a lot more character development from both the actors. So, how did they cope with their own individual storylines?
“[Bill] did a great job to show the comedic beats that the fans loved to see,” Lutz said of his character Emmett, who plays the comic relief in the series. “I loved playing that character.”
Kellan avslöjar saker om 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' - video
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Kellan avslöjar att nya sneakers tillsammans med hans nya kollektion med Abbot+Main kommer att släppas!

Exklusiv intervju med Kellan & Nikki Reed av Marie Claire

Marie Claire online caught up with Kellan Lutz ahead of the release of the final Twilight film and asked what his hopes were for another installment. When we mention to Kellan that Robert Pattinson recently hinted at a spin-off for his character, he had a pretty strong reaction saying:
'A spin off of his character? Hasn’t this whole saga been about his [Robert’s] character what more does he want?’
Of course this criticism was all in jest, but it prompted Kellan to get a little emotional about saying goodbye to Emmett Cullen.
He added: ‘I would love to show Emmett’s back story, a lot of the other characters [in Twilight] were able to do that. I love my character, we all would love to do it.’
Kellan & Nikki Reed pratar om 'BD - Part 2' med Sugarscape
We sat down with the ridiclously good-looking pair – who play Emmet Cullen and Rosalie Hale – to get all the gossip on Kristen Stewart’s arm-wrestling skills, the hotly anticipated final scene and Robsten’s filthy swearing habits.
Speaking about the film ending being different from the book, Kellan said: “It’s quite different. I think Bill Condon found a great little way to add a lot more action.. which I think was needed.
“Y’know, you can never go wrong with some more action, and it’s very eventful.”
Kellan also opened up about his arm-wrestling scene with Kristen, revealing that she may be small, but that doesn’t mean she’s not packing some serious muscle in those tiny arms.
“She had been training, she’s a fit little girl,” he said. “She’s strong, I actually had to do some good acting in that scene!”
"Sista Twilight filmen är som slutet på High School" - artikel
Jag är väldigt ledsen att uppdateringen inte varit på topp, många personliga skäl har kommit i vägen med nu tänker jag ge er senaste uppdateringen kring allt som hänt Kellan den senaste veckan!
The release of the final Twilight flick, Breaking Dawn – Part 2, is almost upon us – with stars Kellan Lutzand Nikki Reed exclusively telling MTV News that they feel overwhelmed when it comes to saying goodbye to their characters.
The pair – who have played Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale since the first movie in 2008 – claim it’s only just starting to sink in that the vampire saga is coming to an end, with Nikki stating: “I think I was really able to process the fact that it was the last time."
“I don’t think that was the overall tone on set that we were saying goodbye to our characters or goodbye to the saga. I think we knew we had years to promote this and I think it’s just now starting to hit us that this is done and that in itself is really overwhelming.”
When asked how they felt after watching Breaking Dawn – Part 2, Lutz revealed: “I got teary eyed at the end as Bill (Condon) did something special. You see your name up there, you see the journey and the last four years of your life."
“It’s kind of like high school when you look through your year book and you read those messages that people wrote to you. It’s tough not to be affected – I have emotions.”
Alla, ny släppta 'TTS: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' klipp!
Kellan & Nikki Reed pratar om slutet av 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2'
The Twilight Saga cast på Entertainment Tonight's Press Junket för 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' [1 november]
Kellan, Jackson Rathbone, Elizabeth Reaser & Nikki Reed på Young Hollywood Studio [1 november 2012]
Kellan och Nikki Reed tar farväl av The Twilight Saga - video

Livestream av 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' världspremiären av Yahoo! Movies
Just nu ser det ut som om Yahoo! Movies kommer att livestream:a The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 världspremiären i Los Angeles den 12 november.
Detta kommer att starta 8.30 p.m. Själv är jag rätt dålig på dessa tidsskillnader, men om det är någon av er läsare där ute som vet om hur mycket klockan här i Sverige är då, så skulle jag vara väldigt tacksam över att ni skickade in en kommentar!
Update: Tack för hjälpten Siobhan! Livestream:n kommer att dra igång ca. 4:30 svensk tid!

It looks like it’ll be Yahoo! Movies which hosts the final Twilight premiere livestream!
According to an announcement from Yahoo!’s Facebook page posted today, the site will exclusively stream the world premiere for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 live from Los Angeles, California on Monday, Nov. 12 starting at 8:30/5:30 p.m. ET/PT.
The video feed for the live stream will be hosted at this link on the day of the premiere.
Excited for the event yet? Summit Entertainment opened a fan camping line sign-up for around 1,500 patrons to commit to earlier this month, and the principle cast will undoubtedly show up in full. There’ll probably even be a few surprise faces, but definitely count on seeing all of your favorites – including the newest vamps – on the red or black carpet this year.
Just two weeks ’til then!
Kellan pratar om Kristen [Stewart] & 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' med

Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz have embarked on their worldwide Breaking Dawn Part 2 press tour!