Ny intervju av Glamour Magazine med Kellan och Nikki Reed

What was your favourite scene to film in Breaking Dawn – Part 2?
Kellan: The arm wrestling scene for me! Nikki: I loved filming scenes with Renesmee.
Did you keep any props from filming over the years?
Kellan: I asked to keep my baseball hat from the first movie. Nikki: I wanted my baseball shoes but was too shy to ask. Kristen [Stewart] asked for them and surprised me.
What have you learned from your character in this saga?
Nikki: Rosalie’s confidence & ability to stay true to herself. Kellan: To stay positive and find positivity in any situation.
What have you found to be the most challenging part of Twilight?
Kellan: That we can’t tell every fan thank you.
[Läs mer, källa: glamourmagazine.co.uk]
Svar på frågor från MSN's web chatt tillsammans med Kellan
Minns ni inlägget om att man kunde ställa frågor till Kellan genom twitter? MSN skulle sedan välja ut ett par frågor som fansen ställt, och sedan ställa de utvalda till Kellan i en web chatt. Nedan kan du se ett par besvarade frågor, klicka dig gärna in på [källa] för att se fler frågor och svar!

It’s not every day that you get to spend the afternoon with a Twilight hunk, but that’s what happened when MSN Movies sat down and did a live web chat with Kellan Lutz! The actor, who’s best known for playing Emmett Cullen in the Twilight movies, answered a host of fan questions throughout the chat – you can read the best ones below..
Yvette Short: You have probably been asked this a gazillion times, but, can you reveal any little hints about what viewers can look forward to in the final Twilight Movie?
Kellan: It’s my favourite movie. The movie just drives continuously, there’s a lot of action. The movie sticks to the book.
Vicky: If you could be any Twilight character apart from Emmet who would you be?
Vicky: If you could be any Twilight character apart from Emmet who would you be?
Kellan: I haven’t played the bad guy in a while, so I would play Aro [Volturi].
Tess: Hey Kellan!! xx !! You are the GREATEST, I love you!! I think you are an amazing actor and model and the perfect EMMETT CULLEN!!
Kellan: I love you all. I’m so proud to have been your Emmett and thank you for all the passion that you have for Twilight.
[källa: movies.uk.msn.com]
Twilight fans ["twihards] träffar Kellan och Nikki Reed i Glasgow - artikel

Thousands of Twilight fans have packed a shopping centre to meet two of the movie’s stars, before the final film is released.
With the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II premiere only weeks away, Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz were in Glasgow to promote the film.
The two stars of the hit vampire movies met fans in the city’s Buchanan Galleries shopping centre, signing books, DVDs and posters as well as posing for photos.
Nikki, who plays Rosalie Hale, wore a short, gold dress with a black lace trim while Kellan, who plays Emmett Cullen, was dressed in a light denim shirt and cream trousers.
They were greeted by screams from the thousands of fans, known as Twihards, standing in a queue to catch a glimpse of the Hollywood stars.
First in line to meet them were friends Amy Graham, 14, and Lauren Kergan, 15, both from Glasgow. Amy said: “It was really good. They were so nice and really friendly. I didn’t really know what to expect but I’m shaking a wee bit now."
“I brought them a box of shortbread and a bottle of Irn-Bru because I knew Kellanhad a sweet tooth and thought it was something they would like. He had a drink of the Irn-Bru.”
[källa: independent.ie]
Bilder på Kellan och Nikki Reed på promotningen av 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' i Dublin, Irland [27 oktober 2012]
Ny video med Behind The Scenes intervjuer & en titt bakom kulisserna av 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2'
Matchbox Twenty - "Put Your Hands Up" - OFFICIELL MUSIK VIDEO!
Här nedanför kan du se MatchBox Twenty's nya musik video med låten "Put Your Hands Up", där både Kellan och hans flickvän Sharni Vinson är med som 'huvudroller' i videon! Vad tycker ni om låten för övrigt?
Screencaps på Kellan från gästandet av TV serien '30 Rock'
Som vi tidigare nämnt så skulle Kellan gästa en TV serie (inte en TV show, vi skrev fel i det tidigare inlägget) i USA som heter 30 Rock den 25 oktober [igår]. Och dessutom så skulle han gästa serien som sitt egna jag!
Här nedan kan du se ett flertal screencaps på Kellan från avsnittet han var med i, men klicka dig gärna in på bildkällan, för där kan du se ännu fler bilder. Du kan även klicka dig in på nbc.com för att se avsnittet!
[Bildkälla: kellanlutzonline.com]
Ny intervju med Celebuzz - Kellan: "Jag grät under inspelningen av 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2'

With only 21 days until the release of Breaking Dawn – Part 2, Twi-hards aren’t the only ones getting emotional over The Twilight Saga’s end.
“I just saw a special screening of it,” Twilight star Kellan Lutz told Celebuzz exclusively on the red carpet at GQ’s Gentlemen’s Ball Wednesday night in New York City. “I was very much affected by it.”
But was the Twilight hunk so moved that he shed a few tears by film’s end? “I did, actually,” Lutz revealed. “It affects your stomach. I honestly did get a few butterflies during different scenes… You really get pulled into it.
And what about that arm-wrestling scene with his co-star Kristen Stewart? Lutz says you shouldn’t be fooled by KStew’s tiny frame.
“Kristen is a strong girl — mentally, physically emotionally,” he said. “She’s probably one of the best actresses I’ve worked with. She’s a strong cookie! It was really fun to bring that scene to life. I can’t wait to see it at the premiere with the fans.”
[källa: celebuzz.com]
Kellan i Matchbox nya Twenty Music Video - stills, artikel & video!

[klicka här: kellanlutzonline.com/kellan-lutz-in-matchbox-twenty-music-video för att se videon]

IT’S not who you know in Hollywood, it’s who you rock with.
LA-based Australian actress Sharni Vinson and her handsome Twilight boyfriend Kellan Lutz star in the music video for new Matchbox Twenty single Put Your Hands Up.
Acclaimed portrait photographer Randall Slavin, who has worked with anyone who’s anyone in music and film, was enlisted by Rob Thomas and his bandmates to shoot the new clip.
He happens to also be a mate of Lutz and asked the American model turned actor if he and Vinson would play love interests in the video.
Art doesn’t imitate life in the clip’s storyline with Vinson leaving her beau hanging after getting hot and heavy in a nightclub.
[källa: couriermail.com.au]
Kellan på GQ Magazine’s Gentleman’s Ball 2012 [24 oktober]
Den 24 oktober [2012] befann sig Kellan på GQ's Gentleman's Ball där han blev hedrad för hans jobb med att Rädda Oskyldiga [Saving Innocence] i New York.

Ställ din[a] fråga/frågor till Kellan genom MSN:s Live Chat!
Har du någon fråga som du alltid velat ha svar på av Kellan, men aldrig fått chansen att få? Nu har du dock chansen! MSN har nämligen anordnat en Live Webchat med Kellan på måndag [29 oktober]. Du kan ställa din fråga/frågor genom att twittra ett meddelande till @MSNEnts på Twitter [twitter.com], och genom att använda hashtag:n #MSNKellan. Läs mer här nedanför!

Forget about Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner – the real hunky hunk of the Twilight films is Kellan Lutz, who has risen to fame as a vampire in the movie franchise.
So, with that in mind, it’s with great delight that we can announce our live webchat with Kellan on Monday 29 October in honour of the last Twilight film, Breaking Dawn – Part 2.
He’ll be answering your questions live on the day, which you can send in to us ahead of time. Send us your questions by tweeting @MSNEnts on Twitter using the hashtag #MSNKellan, or if you want to take part live on the day, you’ll be able to post questions on the webchat.
The live webchat with Kellan will take place on Monday from 1.30pm – 2pm. Spread the word and be sure to use #MSNKellan in your tweets!
[källa: movies.uk.msn.com]
[Bildkälla: entertainment.uk.msn.com]
He’ll be answering your questions live on the day, which you can send in to us ahead of time. Send us your questions by tweeting @MSNEnts on Twitter using the hashtag #MSNKellan, or if you want to take part live on the day, you’ll be able to post questions on the webchat.
The live webchat with Kellan will take place on Monday from 1.30pm – 2pm. Spread the word and be sure to use #MSNKellan in your tweets!
[källa: movies.uk.msn.com]
[Bildkälla: entertainment.uk.msn.com]
Kellan & Nikki Reed åker till Glasgow och Dublin för promotning
Kellan kommer tillsammans med Nikki Reed [som spelar Rosalie Cullen i The Twilight Saga] att åka till Glasgow och Dublin för att promota Breaking Dawn - Part 2. Den 27 oktober kommer de att befinna sig i Dublin och redan nästa dag, 28 oktober, kommer de att befinna sig i Glasgow.

Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz will be in Dublin on Saturday 27th October signing at the Convention Centre Dublin between 2.15pm and 4.15pm!
Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz will be in Glasgow on Sunday 28th October signing at the Buchannan Galleries between 2:30pm and 4:30pm!
[källa: twitter.com/TwilightSaga_UK]
Kellan gästar TV Showen '30 Rock' - nya stills!
Imorgon, 25 oktober, kommer TV showen 30 Rock sändas på TV i USA klockan 7.00 p.m. på kanalen NBC.
Där kommer Kellan gästa showen som sig själv! Två nya stills har kommit ut på Internet där du kan få dig en liten blick på hur det kommer se ut.
The Gentlemen’s Fund: Kellan Lutz, ambassadör, 2012
GQ kommer idag, 24 oktober, att representera den 5 år gamla Gentlemen's Ball i New York City. Den här välgörenhets galan ska b la. stödjas utav The Gentlemen's Fund, där bland annat Kellan är med som ambassadör för att han stödjer kampen mot att Rädda Oskyldiga [Saving Innocence]. Läs mer om det i artikeln här nedanför!

for his work with SAVING INNOCENCE
It happens in movies, in faraway countries, but not here, not in America. Right? Wrong. Sex trafficking is a reality for far too many in our own country, and hundreds of thousands of children are at risk annually. To combat this, humanitarian-minded men like Kellan Lutz are stepping up on behalf of Saving Innocence’s vision of ending the commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Through strategic partnerships with local law enforcement, social service providers, and schools, Saving Innocence seeks to rescue child victims of sex trafficking while restoring the cultural values of innocence and human worth. It’s not about being a hero; it’s about doing what’s right. As Lutz puts it, “We all need to stand up to actively protect the innocence of our children.”
for his work with SAVING INNOCENCE
It happens in movies, in faraway countries, but not here, not in America. Right? Wrong. Sex trafficking is a reality for far too many in our own country, and hundreds of thousands of children are at risk annually. To combat this, humanitarian-minded men like Kellan Lutz are stepping up on behalf of Saving Innocence’s vision of ending the commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Through strategic partnerships with local law enforcement, social service providers, and schools, Saving Innocence seeks to rescue child victims of sex trafficking while restoring the cultural values of innocence and human worth. It’s not about being a hero; it’s about doing what’s right. As Lutz puts it, “We all need to stand up to actively protect the innocence of our children.”
[källa: promotions.gq.com/gentlemensfund/]
DuJour's nya intervju med Kellan [+ ett par nya outtakes]

Kellan Lutz has just returned from a getaway to Saint-Tropez in the south of France. It was a trip with all the trappings of a stereotypical celebrity vacation: yachts, sunbathing and a beautiful female companion (his girlfriend, Australian actress Sharni Vinson). But the 27-year-old Twilight actor is far more excited about the next retreat on his itinerary—hanging out at the family farm in Iowa.
“I’m very blessed to have my grandparents’ farm,” he says. “I just decompress and put my phone away and ride the tractor. We have pigs—big ones. I water them, and they shake mud all over me! I love it.”
It’s refreshing that Lutz still finds enjoyment in the simple life, given his fabulous movie-star lifestyle. But the actor is quick to point out that he hasn’t letfame go to his head.
“I don’t go home and act like I’m God’s gift to the world or anything. I’m still Kellan,” he says. “And I’m so appreciative of every opportunity that I’ve had.”
Now, more than ever, seems like a fitting time for Lutz to reflect on those opportunities. In November, the final installment of the Twilight franchise hits theaters, ending the film series that launched his career and garnered him a loyal following of “Twihards.”
“It really is bittersweet,” he says. “It’s very much like high school, and I’m ready to graduate.”
[Läs hela intervjun: www.dujour.com/]
“I’m very blessed to have my grandparents’ farm,” he says. “I just decompress and put my phone away and ride the tractor. We have pigs—big ones. I water them, and they shake mud all over me! I love it.”
It’s refreshing that Lutz still finds enjoyment in the simple life, given his fabulous movie-star lifestyle. But the actor is quick to point out that he hasn’t letfame go to his head.
“I don’t go home and act like I’m God’s gift to the world or anything. I’m still Kellan,” he says. “And I’m so appreciative of every opportunity that I’ve had.”
Now, more than ever, seems like a fitting time for Lutz to reflect on those opportunities. In November, the final installment of the Twilight franchise hits theaters, ending the film series that launched his career and garnered him a loyal following of “Twihards.”
“It really is bittersweet,” he says. “It’s very much like high school, and I’m ready to graduate.”
[Läs hela intervjun: www.dujour.com/]
[Bildkälla: www.kellanlutzonline.com/gallery]
Twinight & Twilight Maraton - 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2'
Snart är det dags för världspremiären (nå, vi i Sverige får faktiskt 2 dagars försprång) av The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 som ska visas på biograferna i Sverige den 14 november och den 16 november för resten av världen! Men, om du vill ha chansen att se filmen innan dess, och kanske få chansen att uppleva alla Twilight filmer en sista gång på bioduken, så har nu SF Bio anordnat Twinight och ett Twilight Maraton den 13 november! Läs mer om Twinight och Twilight Maraton:t här nedanför.

ny banner för the twilight saga: breaking dawn - part 2
Under Twinight så kommer du få chansen att se de två sista delarna av The Twilight Saga, d.v.s Breaking Dawn - Part 1 och Breaking Dawn - Part 2 på bio! Twinight kommer att äga rum den 13 november och klockan 21:00 kommer SF att dra igång den första filmen [BD - Part 1], och strax efter midnatt kommer även att Breaking Dawn - Part 2 visas på duken. Biljetterna släpps [för bioklubbs medlemmar] den 10 oktober, och den 12 oktober för övriga personer. Biljett kostnaden är 195 kr och åldersgränsen är 15 år.
Den 13 november annordnar även SF ett Twilight Maraton där man kan gå och se alla de 5 filmerna i en följd på biografen Park i Stockholm. Första filmen [Twilight] drar igång redan under eftermiddagen och sista filmen [Breaking Dawn - Part 2] kommer att visas på duken strax efter midnatt. Biljett släpp för bioklubbs medlemmar: 10 oktober, och den 12 oktober släpps biljetterna för övriga personer. Biljett konstnad: 295 kr [ingår lätt mat och dryck], åldersgräns: 15 år.
[källa: sf.se]
[Bildkälla: twilightsweden.se]
Track-listan för 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' soundrack!
Nu har det äntligen kommit ut lite information om soundtracket till The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 som snart har premiär världen över! B la. Christina Perri som var med på soundrtracket till Breaking Dawn - Part 1 med låten: "a thousand years", är även med i detta soundtrack. Ska bli riktigt kul att få höra alla låtar sen!

1. Where I Come From — Passion Pit
2. Bittersweet — Ellie Goulding
3. The Forgotten — Green Day
4. Fire In The Water — Feist
5. Everything And Nothing — The Boom Circuits
6. The Antidote — St. Vincent
7. Speak Up — POP ETC
8. Heart of Stone — Iko
9. Cover Your Tracks — A Boy and His Kite
10. Ghosts — James Vincent McMorrow
11. All I’ve Ever Needed — Paul McDonald & Nikki Reed
12. New For You — Reeve Carney
13. A Thousand Years (Part Two) – Christina Perri
14. Plus Que Ma Prope Vie — Carter Burwell
2. Bittersweet — Ellie Goulding
3. The Forgotten — Green Day
4. Fire In The Water — Feist
5. Everything And Nothing — The Boom Circuits
6. The Antidote — St. Vincent
7. Speak Up — POP ETC
8. Heart of Stone — Iko
9. Cover Your Tracks — A Boy and His Kite
10. Ghosts — James Vincent McMorrow
11. All I’ve Ever Needed — Paul McDonald & Nikki Reed
12. New For You — Reeve Carney
13. A Thousand Years (Part Two) – Christina Perri
14. Plus Que Ma Prope Vie — Carter Burwell
[källa: twilightsweden.se]
Pre-screening bilder på Kellan i Moskva för 'Syrup'
Den 26 september befann sig Kellan på den första pre-screeningen av filmen Syrup i Moskva!
Se bilder nedan, och ännu fler på kellanlutzonline.com
Hej alla fina läsare!
Det har gått ungefär en månad sedan jag [Alexandra] skrev om den stora blogg pausen jag skulle ta för att jag tyvärr hade väldigt mycket personligt som kom ivägen, och jag hade precis börjat mitt sista år på gymnasiet vilket ledde till att jag inte var så insatt i allt. Men nu har jag en bra rutin i det hela och har kommit igång med skolan som alla andra. :)
Under tiden jag varit borta har det ju såklart kommit ut ett flertal antal nyheter om Kellan, och jag tänkte att jag (efter det här inlägget) lägger upp det viktigaste som hänt medan jag var borta så att ni i alla fall har lite hum om vad som händer i Kellans liv just nu. Låter det bra?

Postat av: KLS-Crew