Den här gången tänkte vi berätta lite om en grupp som heter Men For Women Now.
Men for Women Now
The Men for Women Now campaign is a program of the Noreen Fraser Foundation that features prominent men highlighting the importance of prevention and early detection of women’s cancers. The campaign targets men by urging them to encourage the women in their lives to eat healthy, exercise regularly, not smoke, schedule an appointment for a mammogram and Pap smear and perform self breast exams.
Men for Women Now is a multifaceted campaign spearheaded through The program includes celebrity video e-cards, a social media campaign and special events throughout the year. “Women have traditionally been seen as the caretakers and hand holders but we hope that if the men in their lives offer up their support, more women will schedule their mammograms and pap smears and make healthier lifestyle choices so that more lives will be saved,” says Noreen Fraser.
Prominent men participating in the campaign include: Jack Black, Kevin Connolly, Gavin DeGraw, Zach Galifainakis, Neil Patrick Harris, Josh Radnor, Bob Saget, Barry Sanders, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Segel, Michael Tolcher, and others. Visit our website often to see new videos featuring these NFF supporters and others.
Men for Women Now has been featured on Good Morning America, Fox & Friends and Huckabee, as well as other media outlets.
Video; Kellan för Men for Women Now.
[Bild/källa: KellanLutzOnline]
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Sv: Visst vi kan länkbyta :-) jag lägger till er nu, men jag kommer snart att ha en ny design och jag tänkte ha bildlänkar då så ifall ni kan skicka en bild som ni vill ha så skulle det vara jättebra!